Tuesday, November 24, 2009


A random list of european thoughts.
1. 7000 photos taken on Peet's camera
2. We didn't take a walk in the black forest.
3. Pistachio is the best gelato flavour.
4. A cafe creme in Paris is almost like a flat white in Sydney. A cafe creme in Amsterdam is like a long black in Sydney. A macchiato is a macchiato. A latte means milky. A cafe Americain should be avoided at all costs. Speaking of costs, Venice came in first with cappucinos at 8 euros(almost $15) in St Marks Square.
5. Supermarkets are cool.
6. When driving a camper always be ready to wave to other campers. Timing is everything. Wave too early and you look amateurish and over eager. Too late and you might be missed and considered rude. If you have a passenger they should try to synchronise their wave with the driver's so that both raise their arms at the same time. This produces a pleasing, friendly and somewhat robotic greeting, which is popular with older Germans.
7. Supermarket beer and wine is cheap and of a high quality.
8. You can never eat too much bread and cheese.
9. Or chocolate
10. Always look up and then look down for the best views. Drains, cobblestones and ceilings are more interesting than they sound.
11. is louder than 10.
12. Do it again.

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