Thursday, September 24, 2009

2 Days in Amsterdam

Arrived safely, settled into houseboat early in the day -9.00am, and were able to have showers before walking around the Jordaan area - a hip ex-workers area, now a sort of Glebe stylish cafe/gallery/cobblestoned neighbourhood.

We've done a canal boat tour and seen the Vinnie museum- crowded with teen school groups from around the continent. The main museum square is quite a friendly park-like area but touristed.
Our houseboat is plain on the outside but comfortable and stylish on the inside. We have become very interactive (mainly Anika), waving to the passing parade of small boats, canal tours, working barges and the odd paddle boat. Sounds busy but it's quite nice and very communal.
It's great coming back to the houseboat after a morning out in the city and relaxing with a "broodje kaas" and a "chocomel". Time to check emails, photos etc and Arkady has even sent some last minute homework to his schoolmates for a group assignment.
Time to head off for an afternoon walk, weather just went from sparkling sunny to dark grey overcast- perfect for a market followed by a cafe/bookshop period of relaxing -"gezellig".

We train out to Arnhem tomorrow and pickup our motorhome. Should be interesting.


  1. Glad you made it. Have been wondering all week where you were and what you were up to. Lucky you flew out when you did, cause of the big dust storm over Sydney. Have a profferjie ?? (not sure of the spelling, little pancakes) for me.

  2. Saw your plane fly by after I dropped you off. We all waved of course.
    The houseboat sounds like lots of fun. Who is drinking the most Chocomel????

    Love the Bergkamp window.

