Saturday, September 26, 2009


We've trained out of Amsterdam. We'll miss the tourist boats gliding by our houseboat window, Anika encouraging a friendly wave from every passenger through the large open windows. The crowded tram rides and squeezy "stop and go" minibuses that turn the tightest corners through a maze of lanes and backstreets. The groovy Waterloo Plein markets selling designer skirts and tacky clog combo/windmill souvenirs. The disappointing floating flower market -only 2 stalls with flowers the rest with attractive brown bulbs and more mini-souvenirs.
We loved the friendly cafes and cobbled stone laneways. It became quite noisy and even raucous on thursday night, with party boats early in the morning - singing, cheering and curious booming sounds that could have been people jumping from boat to boat. Unsubstantiated report.
Everyone has been taking pics - Arkady looking for interesting angles, Anika picking out colours and glitter, Jood looking for details and me shooting everything.


  1. Hello to the De Jong clan!!!!!! So glad to hear you are all safe and well and having such a fine time. Your photos give a great feel for where you are visiting and travelling by houseboat is such a wonderful idea. Have to say of course that we are all very envious but none the less look forward to reading your blog. Take care and kind regards to all Sandra Angel.

  2. Hello Pete, Jood, Arkady & Anika
    It was great to talk to you on sunday..!
    And you are soo lucky to have such great weather as well..!
    Hopefully it stays that way at least while you are still touring Holland..!
    we already received some pics from Annie/Jan..and Mariannw/ we are very up-to-date..!Hurrah for computers and anything digital..!!!
    Wishing you lots more fun for the next week..will keep in contact.!
    Drive carefully and on the RIGHT side, please..?
    Lots of Love from Mam & Dad.
