Saturday, October 31, 2009


Pisa on a grey, rainy, late mid week afternoon should be quiet right? Let’s just say the Senegalese umbrella salesmen on every corner made a killing. Tour buses poured into Pisa literally spilling and splashing tour groups onto the shiny cobblestones of the main piazza. The Field of Miracles includes several ornate buildings but all eyes are on that one grey coloured tower which today matches that of the sky.

The best entertainment here is to watch people taking photos of the leaning tower and lining up endless same shots of the hands up stopping the tower from toppling. There is some creativity but the most popular shot is two hands to the side like a traffic cop experimenting with a new dance move. The other side show is the long row of souvenir stalls with leaning miniatures of all sizes, as well as a few other popular Italian iconic items (as seen in the big must-see cities) – the vespa keying/t-shirt/handbag –quite cool; also the pasta/olive oil aprons and chef hats, the statue of David underpants, plastic gladiator accessories, plastic colosseums and of course snow domes. Whoops… I’ve just given away all the presents we’ve bought for everybody.

The Tower of Pisa does lean and it’s hard not to take a decent photograph but the pix do all tend to look the same don’t they? Walks to the top have to be booked and are expensive. We didn’t go up – it looked pretty slippery too. The kids weren’t all that impressed by it, not sure why. After Rome’s crowds surely we can handle anything.

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